Thursday, 21 January 2016

Week Three: Mindmapping I

Mindmap Topic

Halfway while mindmapping....the pen's ink had to do this to me :(

Our thoughts in progress (featuring colored pens)

Out of boredom, I took a look around class and everyone seemed to be looking for inspiration

Wu Zhao busy mindmapping too

"My side" of the paper and my "ways" to kill cockroaches

Upon a closer look...

Almost done! Words sprawled across the paper

While Miss Debra was giving feedback to Meishi, I snapped a final pic...

I realized I only had 9 photos to submit for this entry only after typing this out.

So... In class we were told to choose a topic and write out 101 ways to do it in a group of two. Apparently, it seems like Killing Cockroaches seemed to be a popular choice among my classmates. I only picked it because it seemed very general and open and pretty easy to do...but I was wrong.

While mindmapping, initially it was easy to do the usuals - step, kick, hit it but then these conventional ways ran out so I had to resort to much more violent ways - throwing it into an erupting volcano and tearing out it's "skin". It was pretty fun to be able to write anything I wanted, without worrying if it was even scientifically proven or socially acceptable. I was basically free from any forms of judging since the outcome was quantity and not quality.

It was really  nice to run of of space on the paper as it means that we were being productive. It was quite worrying to see us writing so much and still have so many blank spaces on the paper... And just like any other works, there is definitely this sense of satisfaction seeing your handwriting sprawled all over a blank piece of paper...

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