Thursday, 21 January 2016

TED Talk: Where Good Ideas come from

I watched Steven Johnson's TED talk earlier today and it started out by him introducing a picture of a coffee house to us. The coffee shop claimed to have a long history (1650) and this brought him to tell us about what people drank before the invention of tea and coffee.... Alcohol. They drank alcohol for breakfast and such because water isn't safe for drinking.

He also shared with us about how ideas usually come from nearby place/things etc. (No wonder I usually look around my surroundings when I'm searching for ideas.)

Next, he shared with us scenarios that we have all experienced: Mind block. We tend to work with our own ideas so much that sometimes we get stuck and we don't know how to go about with it. He said that we should "get out and mix more". And he also shared that we shouldn't pin so much hopes on one idea to become a plan. Sometimes, we need ideas to come together to create a new, improved and refined bigger idea. And to get there, we need many different people from different backgrounds to give their unique perspective that could lead us to being innovative.

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