Thursday, 21 January 2016

Week Three: Brainstorming

Brainstorming in a nutshell
This week, we were tasked to find out about brainstorming and blog about it. Being in my final semester in school, I've heard this word countless of times. Like it or not, it's part and parcel of being in this school.

Brainstorming consists of a group of people coming together to share their thoughts and ideas about a particular topic. The outcome of brainstorming would be to find a solution or a way to a problem. It takes time and everyone's effort to contribute to the group. It consists of different perspectives and ideas that could lead to many possible outcomes. There are actually no rules to brainstorming. If there had to be one, it would probably be no judgement.

Judgement stops proper brainstorming. It kills creativity as well. So, instead of judgement, all of us should encourage each other to contribute all they can to break down barriers.

Over the past few years, countless of lecturers have gave me tips to better productive my brainstorming sessions. They said it is okay to give bad ideas first because you never know when good ideas will come out of it. And from these ideas, we can break them up or build them into bigger ideas for them to eventually morph into plans.

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