Wednesday, 3 February 2016

TED Talk: How to Get Your Ideas to Spread

In this talk, Seth Godin talked about how sliced bread started out as a "useless" idea and it was ignored by everyone. However, these days, everyone eats slice bread now, it became a thing. Everyone just eats sliced bread. And why is it that when it was invented, nobody ate it that way? It was because the idea didn't spread. It lacked marketing and promotion.

There are many good ideas on this planet that got lost or forgotten simply because people did not spread it.

Godin talked about remarkable products. They are products that people will make remarks about. He said it was important to make remarkable products, as people usually notice new and interesting things. He gave us an example of a purple cow, like everyone knows how cows look like so nobody cares but if there is a purple cow, it will be the next big thing.

He talked about marketing as well. He split it into a few groups, the otakus that always try to get their hands on the latest products, and then the masses that are the largest of the group and lastly the laggers. He said that we should be speaking and marketing our products about those who care, and not the masses because they are just following the trend. All these inspires me to create a purple cow design in my work.

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